May 20, 2021

How AI Happens: A Podcast by AI Practitioners for AI Practitioners

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How AI Happens is a podcast featuring experts and practitioners explaining their work at the cutting edge of AI/ML. Tune in to hear AI Researchers, Data Scientists, ML Engineers, and the leaders of today’s most exciting AI companies explain the newest and most challenging facets of their field.Every day, most of us will touch AI in some way — whether at work, at home, or strapped to our wrists and in the palm of our hands. Applications of ML have seamlessly found their way into our lives and our businesses, thanks to a select few who have set out to reimagine how we work in virtually every industry.

Many may understand how AI impacts their daily lives, but few know how to effectively build it.

In Sama’s new podcast, How AI Happens, we sit down with AI Researchers, Data Scientists, ML Engineers and the leaders of today’s most exciting AI companies to discuss the newest and most challenging facets of their field.For our inaugural episode, we sat down with Adnan Khaleel, an HPC and AI expert from Dell. Adnan explains how Dell’s HPC customers are scaling out their AI implementations, how they balance speed vs. accuracy, and explores the parallelization of a radiology algorithm built to detect anomalous cells.

Listen and subscribe to How AI Happens on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google Podcasts, or Overcast.

Happy listening!


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